BE a Skilled Influencer…

downloadBased on CIPD (2016) skilled influencer provides individuals with the ability to influence decisions in a comprehensive environment so as to create commitment. As a skilled influencer, one needs to develop solid relationship on major influences for the formal process. By attending the various modules in term 2, it has given me the opportunity to demonstrate the use of this behavior according to CIPD as an HR professional.  For instance, in this module, I was able to prepare information, compare and contrast on the various ways in which organizations can develop HR policies and how this can be effectively implemented to influence positive performance. Although I faced issues in terms of time management in term 2, I have done an in depth analysis of the module notes so as to prepare for my end of semester examinations. For instance, in the module class, I consulted with my tutor on the best approach to this assignment where HR policy development was of essence.

From the module, I have learnt different ways to motivate individuals such as extrinsic and intrinsic that are important in development of performance management system. This is an area that I have developed well over the course of term 2 and influenced the decision making process that I undertook in the organization. Prior to this term, I had a problem on understanding issues as well as being able to develop proper judgement; this is an area that I have improved immensely and been vital towards my growth as a HR professional. Based on CIPD, one needs to show ability in terms of influence so as to get the required commitment and also support fr653624019908790480om different stakeholders to improve the organizational value (CIPD 2016).

I plan to improve on this skill through attending the behavior sessions which talk about influencer skill and also personal credibility as well as asking for feedback from the HR professional about my skilled influencer and also learning from experts and experiences on skilled influencer. I wish to first identify the gaps in these areas, so that I build a strategic plan, attend workshops and coaching sessions so as to improve on them.



CIPD, 2016.

Vision of Leadership

  imagesMy vision of leadership is to create a compelling sense of direction to my future organization and those that follow me. This is by cultivating aspects of honesty, communication, determination and trust among my followers. In so doing, I will be able to develop an organization with desired values in future and one that works to meet the goals of the organization. This will make the organization to be highly successful and driven by the values developed by me.

My module teacher has been inspirational to me and helped me to understand effective leadership. Through the teacher, I have been able to learn the essence of communication skills in leadership and working in teams that help to cultivate the values of trust and honesty as there is interaction with members from different cultural background. From the team and lectures, I have learnt the need to communicate and build trust with other members which is important to meeting the goals set. Based on the 3Ps model, on Person to Communicate, the purpose that help in achieving goals and also people to create an influence; they have been essential qualities in my module teacher (Normore et al 2015). The teacher has been phenomenon in helping other students to understand the role of doing assignments and attending lectures throughout the semester. This is a purpose that he has found in his life and has been a success in improving the lives of the students and their grades when they attend the lectures.

I have been able to follow the values that my module teacher has put in me in any task that I set myself to do or when working with other groups. I have shown communication skills and honesty on my assignments. This has been quite inspirational to me and helped meet my goals in academic and my future organization.

I have received different feedback from my colleagues that has helped me to be aware of my strengths. My colleagues have always asked me that I do not listen to their ideas during class presentations or study groups. I have all along been working on this feedback where I try to improve on my personal skills, listening and respect the opinion of others. This is because, I believe that as a leader, I need to listen to what the others say about an issue and to show capability in handling such issues which will command followers who would believe in my leadership. This has given me an opportunity to expand my traits and work more to becoming a good leader.

It is important to be managed and it is good to listen as a leader since leadership is not all about position (Yukl 2010). From the video, the last person has clearly highlighted that leadership is all about personal qualities and that followers are influenced by behavior so as to develop their opinion.

images-2I wish to develop flexibility in order to progress through my MBA. This is an important skill because in most of the times, I am presented with challenging assignments and class activities which require much research and time management; without flexibility in my duties, I would not be able to complete them effectively. On the other hand, I need to be analytical, this is a vital skill in problem solving and decision making. Analytical would be perfect for me to progress through my MBA since it would present me with opportunities on decision making during group discussions and also how to handle issues of culture that have been considered to create conflict not only in the group discussions but also in future organizations. As a student, I need to constantly make decisions, which would help me progress in my MBA and make a successful career in leadership and management.


In general, I will develop these leadership skills by attending seminars on leadership and management, being interactive in class discussions and reading more books on management and leadership in the library. This would be essential for my development and progress in my MBA.



Normore, A, Erbe, N, & IGI, G 2015, Cross-Cultural Collaboration and Leadership in Modern Organizations, Hershey: Business Science Reference, Discovery eBooks, EBSCOhost, viewed 6 September 2016.

Yukl, G. 2010, Leadership in Organization: The nature of Leadership, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

Effective Change Leader?

images-3Change is quite “inseparable” when it comes to social and the business life and that any organization is subject to change at any point in their lives. In order to ensure efficiency and maintain the competitiveness within the market, organizations need to adapt to changes in the environment. Based on the idea of Mullins (2010) change is a simple fact in the lives of people and it is not considered as something new since it is continuous. However, what is significant is how people adjust to this change, while some can be able to adjust, to others, it is not possible as they prefer the status quo. Management is essential to manage change as proposed, something that Mullins does not emphasize. Note that change depends highly on the managers rather than employees and hence it is down to the management to make people understand on the importance of change to avoid resistance.

Mullins (2010) views resistance to change from a wider perspective and that resistance help to understand employees more in terms of their fear of the unknown, selective perspective or loss of freedom which are down to the culture in the organization or maintaining stability. This gives an opportunity to the managers to understand how they can influence successful change process by using the right models to change, since individuals understand the change process and its role, they just need to learn to adjust. When the leaders listen from the feedback of employees on the change process, it is likely that they will benefit from it on ensuring that the organization succeeds in the change process.

Based on Nudge Theory, it is essential that managers are able to understand the reaction of people, how they think and also behave when it comes to change (Martin & Siebert 2016). Managers not just need to tell people that the organization is changing but rather involve all members in the organization in decision making, have feedback from them and the suggestions on how implementation can be done. As a manager, one needs to help others understand change by showing them the reasons for change and how it can be managed in the organization.

This means that managers and leaders within organizations are considered to be the change drivers. They need to be quite observant when it comes to implementation of change. According to Ng  Choi and Rashad (2015) managers need to analyze and create behavior change as a way to influence others to avoid resisting change. The 8 step model by Kotter, the author emphasizes on the need for communication and empowerment in order to avoid resistance.

imagesPeople respond to change differently. While others may accept change, others would oppose change as stated by Mullins. This is as a result of comfort, habit or insecurity. But people who recognize the change drivers and then implement are change drivers (Yukl 2008). When these people understand the reasons for resistance, then they are likely to bring success in change. I disagree with Mullins that there is nothing management can do about resistance because change need to be done by making others understand its importance and following step by step procedure as proposed by Kotter 8 step model.


For example, the change process in J.C Penny which was to change the culture in the organization was quite challenging. These included introduction of the training programs and creating emotional connection between the employees and the management. The management in the organization realized the need to have “quick hits” as a strategy which was considered to be effective in initiating change within the organization. This shows that management have a role to play when it comes to change and avoiding resistance. They need to be effective and offer knowledge to employees on the reasons for the change process which develops confidence among them on the management decisions to accept the change.

In general, it can be noted that change within an organization affects all individuals. However, change can be important when it is accepted by all. Success in change relies on willingness in ensuring that employees accept change which will ensure successful implementation. It is vital to involve employees in decision making. Despite that, resistance cannot be avoided and it is the role of management to make the most out of the resistance feedback in order to improve the organization in terms of motivation to employees. A good example of change process has been given in the name of J.C Penny that was able to successful implement the change process by involving all employees.



Martin, G, & Siebert, S 2016, Managing People and Organizations in Changing Contexts, London: Routledge, Discovery eBooks, EBSCOhost, viewed 6 September 2016.

Mullins, L. 2010, Management and Organizational Behavior, 9th Edition, Harlow: Pearson Higher Education

Ng Choi, T, & Rashad, Y 2015, ‘Managing Organizational Change and Resistance from an Individualist vs. Collectivist Perspective’, International Journal of Management, Accounting & Economics, 2, 9, pp. 1065-1074, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 6 September 201.

Yukl, G. 2008, Leadership in Organizations; sixth edition Pearson: Prentice hall.

Decisive Thinker


Decisive thinker is an important skill required in analysis and getting to understand data and also information in a quick manner by use of information and knowledge in order to select best option, develop recommendations or come up with decisions for a firm so as to add more value. From the period covered by term 2, I have demonstrated the skill of decisive thinker through analysis of my assignment reports and understanding the importance of development of the HR policies in the competitive business environment. In doing so, I have successfully done my class assignments and understand how organizations operate in terms of development of HR policies. I have been able to use this skill in line to the CIPD on evaluation of information before giving advice to a client on application to management so that it influences the value of business (CIPD 2016).

CIPD HR professional need to show ability in analysis and also being able to understand data and information in a quick manner. Making use of the module notes on HR policies covered in term 2 such as human resources and why we need to learn HR has enabled me to know how to develop decisions in my day to day activities and during class time.

Before term 2, I had issues in terms of decision making and problem solving, however, by completing term 2 module work, I can now effectively make decisions by looking at situations and coming up with the best approach to solve the problems. An effective leader is required for growth of organizations. I can now make use of this skill to understand the priority in organizations and offer appropriate support and this will be essential for my future role as a HR professional.

My plan is to improve on the skills of being a decisive thinker. I wan206583077405550557t to come up with an effective program on improving my decision making skills such as working on internship programs where I will learn on how HR professionals create an environment in which others develop decisions on role clarification and take responsibility on their actions. In so doing, I will understand how organization manage complex issues to come up with sustainable solutions. In addition, I wish to practice in small group on the skills of decisive thinker so as to get feedback about my progress.


What are the Most Effective Leadership and Management Styles and Approaches??

downloadIt is important to note that leadership and management are similar yet different in nature. According to Horwitz & Klontz (2013) management is defined as a process that helps organizations to meet their goals through working with individuals and the resources within the organization. It has three major characteristics that include: a series of continuous as well as related activities, it is concentrated on meeting the goals of an organization and meets the goals by being able to work with people and the resources in the organization (Taylor et al 2015).  On the other hand, leadership is considered as the ability of a person to inspire or to have an influence on others to meet organizational goals. This means that leaders have followers.

images (2).jpgIn a research by Horwitz and Klontz (2013) they evaluated the distinction between the leaders and the managers. The findings showed that how they both motivate individuals is a major distinction between the two, the way they think or act. Managers have been considered to place more emphasis on control, how to solve issues, goals and targets. In so doing, they are able to combine the various conflicting ideas so that people accept to them but then, the leaders are quite different to this. Leaders offer a new approach and create new issues for discussion. They develop visions, influence culture in the organizations and then inspire others. Ibra and Hansen (2011) asserts that leaders can be viewed to have administrative work and the managers find it essential to lead others so that some work is done.

Based on the CMI, there is no effective style of leadership or management but the approach to leadership and management is shaped by the environment or circumstance in which an organization is. Note that there are different types of subordinates and this implies that it is not possible for one leadership or management style to work. It follows that the most effective way to leadership is chosen in order to manage the subordinates. Over the past, Blake and Mouton management grid has been critical in examining the needs of managers in completing a given job as well as concern on the subordinates have an impact on the style of management. According to Blake and Moulton, style of management can be: team management, middle of the road management, country club as a form of leadership, authority and impoverished (Taylor et al 2015). Out of this, team management is viewed as being more effective. This is a more common style of management as in the workforce one expects to have a particular style of leadership and management.

I accept that command and control is not viewed as the most effective style of management by organizations today. Recent investigations, show that millennials that are 50 % within the workforce look for five major things among their senior and include: flexibility with the work schedule, coaching, honesty, inspirational and help in formal development.

675732574369324604Although it is possible to note that some the major things discussed above can the in “team development”, it is likely that the others cannot be. Taking assumptions that present workforce has millennial subordinates which falls into Kellerman’s five kinds of leadership means that we are concerned on what they need. Situational leadership place focus on managing individuals based on the kind of situation that one finds them in and this is in line to the CMI view suggested in 2013.

According to CMI (2013) no single form of leadership can fit in all situations. Hence, availability of the situational form of leadership implies that various situations call for change of the style to suit the given setting that relates to competency and also development in the subordinates which would be a good approach.

images-2For instance, Tom Cook of Apple uses democratic form of leadership because he has been able to adopt the previous practices on entrepreneurship in the company to come up with a unique blend where he majorly focuses on the existing products and foster the business as well as relationships with employees. However, this kind of management style may not be adequate to all the various kinds of organizations faced with issues on accountability.  This is in contrast to the former CEO Steve Jobs who was visionary, charismatic and always thoughtful by the employees of Apple. This form of leadership was control in the decision making and less input from the members of the organization.

In general, I would like to be led using situational style of management since my behavior would change depending on the circumstance I find myself in; hence the situational style would be more effective. I also want to be guided along in my career and work best in teams which is best managed by situational leadership.



CMI 2013, Understanding Management Styles Checklist 236, Chartered Management Institute: London

Ibarra, H, & Hansen, M 2011, ‘Are You a Collaborative Leader?’ Harvard Business Review [online], 89, 7/8, pp. 68-74

Horwitz, E., Klontz, B. 2013, ‘Understanding and Dealing with Client Resistance to change’, Journal of Financial Planning, 26 (11), pp. 27-31.

Taylor, T, Doherty, A, & McGraw, P 2015, Managing People in Sport Organizations: A Strategic Human Resource Management Perspective, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Discovery eBooks, EBSCOhost, viewed 6 September 2016.

Driven to Deliver

images-1From what I have learnt in term 2, I have demonstrated the CIPD professional behavior in terms of being determined to deliver the class assignments across the term period.  For example, the module learning outcome on recruitment and selection has been essential since I can now develop the right HR strategy for recruitment process and the mode of recruitment process. This is important for any HR professional to demonstrate such behavior in an organization. One of the ways in which I demonstrated this behavior was on how I handled the new Performance Management and Reward Management System, I have shown consistent strong bias towards delivering the policies, developed the steps which were meant to guide delivering of these policies as guidance and show commitment to deliver results when faced with challenges.

Further, in my class assignments I have managed to work well with some of the colleagues from other cultures during class presentations and discussions. This is vital for my future career since as a manager in the HR I will be required to choose the right method or approach to staffing so as the right people are chosen to fill positions in the organization. This need the right policy on how different individual values and beliefs would not have a negative impact on meeting the goals of my organization but rather use that to develop a competitive advantage through the right policies to recruitment. This kind of competence is needed by an individual as per the CIPD.

Despite this being a key behavior in the CIPD professional behavior, it is an indication of my growth over the time of this project as an HR professional and since term 2. I have grown in terms of development of the policies related to HR such as documentation of performance management (both performance appraisal and disciplinary), reward management policy and communications plan that are vital components of the new Performance Management and Rewards Management Policy (CIPD 2016). Early before term 2 began, I had challenges in terms of meeting deadlines, lacked focus on my work, gives up when faced by challenges and un able to recognize capability in my performance or for others. However, I have developed in these areas from term 2 module lectures such as employee engagement. This module helped me to know how individuals can be engaged so as to be committed in doing a given task.  Such development, required consistent evaluation and research so that I came out with the bets results, this has influenced my growth in terms of accountability to ensure that my work is done to standard and now I understand the importance of showing driven to deliver behavior set to plan, prioritize and also monitor performance. As an HR I now understand that it is vital for me to ensure that I review any kind of action in a consistent manner in order to make sure that there is a positive effect on the delivery.

This has prepared me, for my future role as an HR professional since there are a number of issues that come from Shaping the Future work for the proactive HR interventions that are meant to deliver the outcome. I can develop this behavior further, by seeking inspiration from my seniors in the HR and having clear goals on the behavioral requirements of CIPD so that I can work to meet them (CIPD 2016). I would further set personal examples on consistency, determination and accountability in order to improve my delivery goals.


CIPD, 2016.

Challenges of Managing Diverse Teams

imagesGlobalization and the changes in terms of demographic patterns have had an impact on the organizations on developing teams from varied cultural backgrounds, values and expectations on working to meet organizational goals (Ibra & Hansen 2011). In order for organizations to increase their presence across the world, they make use of diverse teams. People from different disciplines, cultures and generations provide unique perspectives on coming up with likely solutions, knowledge on the market and understanding on technology. The impact of globalization means that the world continues to be smaller. According to a recent research, diversity in the global market is placed into three categories in line to their characteristics and include the primary personal traits for instance age, gender, nationality or physical ability; secondary personal characteristics for instance the education level, values and beliefs and also organizational for instance hierarchy (Garcia 2006).
Based on Hofstede’s model, the model offers clear distinction on the similarities and differences on major dimensions of national culture. They included individualism / collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity/ femininity. download-2From this model, it is clear that cultural diversity or diversity teams are both two areas that organizations can build competitive advantage (Knight et al 1999). This is by building skills so as to handle different behaviors to meet organizational goals, develop knowledge to understand the weakness and strengths of different cultural setting on management and to build awareness on cultural differences. However, issues of diverse teams such as conflict on the workers may have an impact on success of firm when not handled well. Despite that, note that ability to lead diverse teams is an important way to competitiveness and that ability of dealing with the differences is a major feature that is become a major element to being a good leader and ensuring effectiveness in firms.

download-1Managing diversity is the most important skills within the telecommunications industry as a result of being involved with people from different cultures. Diversity in teams create challenges on group cohesion and hence this may require additional skills such as communication skills, problem solver and analytic and builds relationships (Garcia 2006). Combinations of these skills are essential in order to build diverse teams effectively. Based on Gardenswartz and Rowe’s (1994) Four Layers of Diversity Model, it can be noted that people have four layers and in each it defines an individual. They include personality, external dimension, internal dimension and organizational dimension which help a leader to understand his team and the individual attributes in them to have effective teams. For example, Apple has built strong teams through diversity and inclusion where they have taken a holistic view. Currently, the organization has 32 % of global female and new hires are 37 %; this shows an ongoing commitment to inclusion and diversity within the firm. These have been attributed to different leadership skills to get appropriate talent (Ghhroodi et al 2013).

653624019908790480A major challenge to having effective leadership on management of diverse teams is on ethnocentrism, this is where a person considers their culture as being better than others (Knight et al 1999). Such a manager cannot be able to recognize the distinct perspective of the other people. In managing diverse teams, effectiveness of the manager is based on openness and tolerance on the cultural practices of individuals. This influences the success of firms to produce better results as the employees feel that their cultures have been well represented in decision making. Global firms such as Apple have come up with the diversity management which is part of their global strategy. The managers in the company have developed diverse teams who understand local markets and hence help them in continued growth and expansion and this has influenced the good results in the firm.

Generally, working with diverse teams in the global market requires combination of different leadership skills to ensure that the teams are well developed and get the most out of these people in order to improve the firm results. This is because, globalization has resulted to wider work force with different cultures, discipline and gender.



Ibarra, H, & Hansen, M 2011, ‘Are You a Collaborative Leader?’ Harvard Business Review [online], 89, 7/8, pp. 68-74

Garcia, H. 2006. ‘Effective leadership response to crisis’. Strategy & Leadership, 34 (1), pp.4 – 10.

Ghahroodi, H., Ghazali M., and Ghorban, Z. 2013, ‘Examining Ethical Leadership and Its Impacts on the Followers’ Behavioral Outcomes’ Asain Social Science 9(3)

Knight, D., Pearce, C., Smith, K., and Olian, J. 1999. ‘Top Management Team Diversity, Group Process, and Strategic Consensus’ Strategic Management Journal 20, 445–465

Leadership and Ethics


ethical-3 Ethical leadership is defined as a “demonstration on the  normative appropriateness conduct on the personal actions and interpersonal relationships as well as promotion on the given conduct to the followers by two-way communication, reinforcement and also decision making” (Rubin et al. 2010). It is important to note that ethical leadership are based on two principle theories that include: deontological and teleological. Deontological principle is based on the rules on what can be done or not done as per the rules. Therefore, this principle is anchored on what people do rather than the impact of their actions. For to be considered as being moral, they need to adhere to the rules or their duties. According to Kant, the impact of an action does not have any role to do on whether a person action is right or wrong (Ghahroodi et al. 2013). On the other hand, teleological principle is concerned with the outcome of a good or bad action; being able to act in a moral way is influenced by whether the given action is viewed as good or bad. When it is good, then the act is good and if bad, then the act is bad.                         


Therefore, as an ethical leader, one is supposed to offer encouragement on the normative behavior and to discourage any kind of behavior that is considered as “unethical” from the followers (Garcia 2006). This is because, ethical leadership is based on three major building blocks that include: need of being exemplary, treating other people in a fair manner and then being able to manage morality in an active way (Brown et al 2006). The initial two rely on the morality of a person component on leadership in which the ethical leaders are considered to have the required characteristics to lead for instance trust and fairness. The final is based on the morality of a moral manager in which the ethical leaders often offer encouragement to people to behave in a moral way for instance communication on ethics and punishing bad behavior (Garcia 2006).

According to the 4 V model, it is important for an organizational manager to understand
the major values and to be able to live in different aspects of their lives for the common good (Ghahroodi et al 2013). The model shows the different aspects of ethical leadership. The model aligns the various internal factors for instance beliefs and values to the internal factors for instance behavior and actions so as to meet a common good. This means that the leaders who wish to make a difference need to make an inner journey on integrity and also outer commitment to realize a positive outcome. People need to discover their coredownload values, identify the vision where the world could be different and be able to look for a personal voice in order to express that vision. Then after that, development of leadership need to move towards outer commitment for living and then behaving in a way which serves a common good. The objective of leadership is to influence a world to be visionary and then inclusive and ensure that members of an organization meet the goals and their potential.

finalThis suggests that ethical leadership can have a positive impact on the individual and effectiveness in organizations. This is because the behavior of an individual is derived through observation and modeling on the behavior of their leaders, attitudes and emotions. This influences effectiveness in organization by creating job satisfaction and commitment when leaders observe ethical leadership that is in line to the core values of individuals and the organization. For example, the ability for the investors and any aspiring minds to have an idea of their own is vital in a fair society. However, a number of examples on the intellectual property that is being taken by the major corporations is an example of unethical behavior. More so, Thomas Edison and his firms have grown successfully as a result of the wealth such as Radio Corporation of America and General Electric who have always tried to abuse patent system in order to be profitable (Ghahroodi et al 2006). Although this created benefits for the organization, it is bad form of leadership that is unethical.

In general, ethical leadership has two asides, the advantages and disadvantage. Despite that, most of the disadvantages are related to the fact that it is quite challenging to get an ethical leader, and hence if it is possible for an organization to get such a person, then they are likely to be valuable to such an organization that develops a competitive edge in the market. Ethics is a major art of leadership due to the influence of such behavior in the effectiveness of individuals and the organization.



Brown, M., Mitchel, Trevino, L. 2006, ‘Ethical Leadership: A review and future directions’ Leadership Quarterly 17:595-616

Rubin, R, Dierdorff, E, & Brown, M 2010, ‘Do Ethical Leaders Get Ahead? Exploring Ethical Leadership and Promotability’, Business Ethics Quarterly [online], 20, 2, pp. 215-236

Garcia, H. 2006, ‘Effective leadership response to crisis’. Strategy & Leadership, 34 (1), pp.4 – 10.

Ghahroodi, H., Ghazali M., and Ghorban, Z. 2013, ‘Examining Ethical Leadership and Its Impacts on the Followers’ Behavioral Outcomes’ Asain Social Science 9(3)

You are not alone

Being collaborative, basically, you need to ‘’work effectively and inclusively with a range of people, both within and outside the organization’’, which is required in many situations in the present society. It is important and can be observed from large international companies to a little restaurant by the corner.

The most situation about how to collaborate in a group I encounter in university is group work projects. Always I will be allocated to a group insisted of 5 or 6 people from different countries. Since everyone has different backgrounds or cultures or habits, the first thing is to show respect and understanding. We normally introduce ourselves at the first stage and try to have a little chat in a relaxing environment, in order to get to know each one better.

When it comes to the project, it is time to figure it out how to finish it in a better and more efficient way. And it is always true that teamwork speaks louder. When a team has brainstorming together, you would be amazed at how creative ideas and distinguished opinions would come up. And during the discussion, people can learn more about your character and ways. In order to make a good output efficiently, it is of importance to put the right person at the right place. I am more an introverted person so that I feel comfortable of doing work relevant to research. And A in my team is very outgoing and talkative, she prefers presenting herself in front of a crowd while B is good at making gorgeous Power Point. So we discuss in terms of the topic and the outcome of the meeting is to make everyone understand not only how will we demonstrate the project but also his/her job individually. Therefore, each of us can benefit from the diverse input.

As a future HR professional, I would train employees in skills related to collaborative behaviour and support informal community building. Successful teams should have a commitment to teaching employees relationship skill to retain good relationship with colleagues and clients internally and externally. By training them the skills, teammates will know how to appreciate other’s works, communicate with others effectively and resolving conflicts creatively and productively. Once the good relationship has been built, the power of collaboration will be stronger and help teams gain better results.

Also, it is important for a team to develop communal spirit and have a sense of community. Organizations can sponsor group events activities such as women’s networks, barbecue weekends, and sports coaching etc. During the event and activities, employees from different departments can join together to know and learn more about each other  based on cultures, knowledge, diversity backgrounds and business values and strategies, which will do help to their critical and creative thinking. By building informal community, employees will be collaborative to get better results for company.

However, some problems or conflicts may occur behind the scene. It is not difficult to imagine how different opinions can lead to heated arguments. Ways of better collaboration are always being investigated. For me, it is always a good way to build up better team spirit in a relaxing environment than always in a meeting room. And I have to communication plays a vital role. Therefore, doing some interesting activities together could be a practical and efficient way to build up and enhance team spirit. I used to have a part time job in a café and I was so lucky to meet a good team. We had the activity called ‘’Sunday Night’’, which we chat and drink together. I could obviously feel how we get close and happier to accept each other. A good team spirit was built up and this did help even when we were at work because we know how to communicate with each other.

As curious as a fool

Curious is the beginning of knowledge, and knowledge is the source of happiness. Curiosity is not only implies crude or rash, but also can lead to rigorous thoughts. People with a curious mind always want to understand the underlying cause-effect relationship among everything which they can see. In other words, they are thirst for knowledge, and desire to find out the truth.


To me, curiosity makes me reflect on this world day after day. I want to understand where are we from, where should we go and who are we. These basic philosophical propositions seems useless, but they means everything to our life. They are the ultimate answer to the meaning of life. I will work when and only when I find a suitable answer for myself, and I have already caught it. All in all, curiosity makes me reflect everything, and that is a great power.


However, I aware that curiosity is not only important to my daily life, but also plays a key role in my future career. As a HRM student, I have already chosen HR as my career aspiration. In some sense, people who without curiosity cannot be a professional HR manager. The reason is he or she will not desire to understand people, and to understand people is the key of a HR’s job. Successful HR managers should always ask themselves that what is the real meaning of his words; what is the meaning of such an activity; how can I remove the barrier between us. And that is my future career path, love people and understand their real requirement.


Therefore, I choose MBA international human resource management as my master degree in order to realize my career aspiration, to be a successful HR manager in the future. As a postgraduate student, I am curious to learn knowledge and to discover new areas. Most notably is this program make me can stay will people, talk with people  and make new friends. Additionally, this course at CULC offers me a global overview of this subject, and I am fully convinced that should be a good beginning of my future career.